Flower Bed Addition & Japanese Maple Tree

>> Sunday, March 18, 2012

This weekend we went to our favorite toy store Home Depot and found a great deal.  They were selling knockout roses for $10 each and Japenese Maple trees 15 gallon 5-6 ft.  for $75.  A deal we just couldn't pass up.  Our nursery in Rowlett Covington's sells little bitty Japenese Maple trees for $300 each.  Brandon has always wanted to add more flowerbed on the corner of our house so we decided to after purchasing these items. We have knockout roses in the back and front of the house and love how they live through our Texas summers.  Two days of work and it looks great.  We definitely have "Curb Appeal" as they would say.  Stay tuned to see next years filled in picture.

Thank God We Bought a Truck!
Have loaded it down several times.
Brandon never thought he would get a Japanese Maple tree after seeing how much they were elsewhere.
Planting Purple Verbena to make my house beautiful.

New Flowerbed Addition Complete

Better not have any Weeds! Weed fabric down  - Now time for a bulk pickup of mulch - will have to wait till next weekend as the Bulk place and very bad hours of operation.


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