We Built a Cedar Privacy Fence!

>> Saturday, April 6, 2013

So after many years of hating our old chain link fence, we are going to build us a Western Red Wood Cedar Privacy Fence! Check out the journey in the video or scroll through our photos of the massive undertaking; huge project! And we SAVED a ton of money by doing it ourselves too!!!

The backyard after we bought the house; notice you cannot see the chain link fence with all the brush around it. We slowly cleaned it out over the years, but unable to get all of it with the chain link fence there.

The OLD fence is GONE!!

The SUPPLIES have arrived!

Time to set 45 post in CEMENT!

CEMENT! Time to mix by hand!

After digging the holes, mixing the cement, and setting the posts; they are all FINALLY in!

700+ Cedar Pickets!

3,000+ Duo-Fast Nails!

The pickets are slowly going up....

 Time for the top layer of pickets (board on board)

WE ARE DONE!! ...and the dogs can run free again!

FYI: Much more work than the pictures can portray!


Unknown April 12, 2013  

The new fence is simply awesome! It is better than the old chain link fence you had. I wonder how much time you spent cleaning and building the new fence. You must be really happy seeing how it turned out.

- AtlantaPostCaps.com

Unknown April 26, 2013  

Congratulations on your new fence! You did it! Wood looks nice and the fence looks sturdy. I can just imagine all the hard work you did but i bet it was all worth it, seeing how nice the fence is.

- AtlantaPostCaps.com

Anonymous,  May 12, 2014  

So it looks like the 2x4 rails are level and the kick board follows the contour of the ground - so not necessarily level? Is that correct?

Unknown January 02, 2016  

The 5 foot fence was built on galvanized posts. Are those kits and did you procure from same fence supply co.?

Unknown January 02, 2016  

The 5 foot fence was built on galvanized posts. Are those kits and did you procure from same fence supply co.?

Unknown July 18, 2016  

My wife and I are thinking of taking on a project like this. How did you know what materials and how much to get?

Unknown July 18, 2016  

My wife and I are thinking of taking on a project like this. How did you know what materials and how much to get?

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